Become a Member

The Equine Science Society (ESS) is the premier society for researchers, academic teachers, extension personnel, industry professionals, and students involved in all aspects of equine science. Membership in ESS helps facilitate connections, relationships, and collaborations with other members and offers leadership and service opportunities through committee assignments and elected offices and board of directors. Equine Science Society members receive Journal of Equine Veterinary Science (JEVS) access (optional for students), online access to the membership directory, posting of position announcements to the online job center, discounted registration fees for the biennial symposium, publication of symposium abstracts in JEVS, fast-tracked review of manuscripts submitted to JEVS that originated from symposium abstracts, and a searchable database for symposium abstracts from 1968 to 2007 (starting in 2009, abstracts were published in JEVS). Individuals wanting a successful and rewarding career in equine science are encouraged to become ESS members. 

Professional (Voting) Members

All persons engaged in equine research, teaching, extension, or industry are eligible for membership. Professional Members in good standing may participate in all activities of this society, may each cast one vote at regular or special elections for officers and the board of directors, may vote on all matters requiring a membership vote, and may serve as a director, officer, or chairperson of committees. Individuals eligible for a complimentary membership (Distinguished Service Award Winners and Fellows) are also considered Professional (Voting) Members.

Student Affiliate Members

Undergraduate and graduate students of accredited colleges and universities may become Student Affiliate Members. Application for student membership must be sponsored by a Voting Member. Student members in good standing may participate in all activities of this society, except for voting, holding office, serving on the board of directors, or acting as chairperson of a committee. Student Affiliate Members can add access to the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science for $150 (for two years). 

Renewal Schedule

The membership fee structure has changed to a two-year cycle, and has increased to reflect this and the costs of added benefits.

Membership Type 2025–2026 Fee Schedule Includes JEVS Subscription Voting Member
Professional (Voting) Member $ 255.00 YES Yes
Student Affiliate Member (non-voting) $ 100.00 NO (option to add) No
Distinguished Service Award Winner (life) $ 0 YES Yes
ESS Fellow (1 cycle) $ 0 YES Yes

Renew Membership