Members are encouraged to submit original research, teaching and extension abstracts. Oral presentations or posters should consist of original, completed work that has not been published in a journal or presented at a scientific conference. More information on abstract requirements are available in the ESS Quality Standards for Abstracts and the ESS Abstract Evaluation Rubic documents.
Late-Breaking Abstracts:
ESS encourages late-breaking abstracts authored and presented by undergraduate and graduate students for oral and poster presentation in the general sessions. These abstracts will not be published in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, but they will be available to view alongside the presentation during the symposium and in the program. No late-breaking abstracts will be considered for competition. Only a limited number of late-breaking abstracts will be accepted. Late-breaking abstracts are due on March 28, 2025. To submit a late breaking abstract.
Late-Breaking Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
Authors will be required to register with the electronic abstract submission system. The personalized account allows for management and storage of multiple abstracts submitted for this meeting. When you submit your abstract, you will be given a tracking number and password. Make a note of these, as they will allow you to access and revise your submitted abstract at any time prior to the deadline. After the deadline, it will not be possible to submit or revise abstracts.
Space limitations allow a maximum of 2,800 keystrokes (including characters, spaces, and punctuation). Begin the count at the title and end the count with the last key word or end of a table, if one is included. The keystroke count does not include authors and their affiliations. The system will automatically reject abstracts that are too long. Special characters, such as Greek letters and math symbols, are available on the electronic submission form itself. Abbreviate units of measure accompanied by numbers. Weights and measures must be in metric units and temperatures given in Celsius. Tabular data may be incorporated into the abstract and will be included in the total keystroke count (see below). Figures, such as graphed data, diagrams, or photos will not be allowed.
Tables: the electronic submission form allows submission of one table per abstract (optional). Tables can be created within the body of the abstract using the table icon on the toolbar, or can be inserted into the body of the abstract by cutting and pasting a table created in Microsoft Word or a similar program. The keystroke limit will be 2,300 keystrokes for the abstract and 500 keystrokes for the table. The printed abstract width allows for 70 keystrokes per line, including spaces. The system also limits tables to a maximum of 10 columns and 15 rows; keep this in mind when formatting tables. Tables that are too large are not printable.
Graduate and Undergraduate Student Competition:
The ESS Symposium offers competition sections for graduate and undergraduate student abstracts. Students participating in the competition, who are members of ESS, will receive a reduced meeting registration fee. Competition abstracts should be prepared and submitted similar to regular section abstracts, as described in these instructions. Abstracts to be considered for graduate or undergraduate student competition must be identified when submitted by marking the appropriate box within the online submission form. There will be seven graduate student oral competition divisions. Only one competition abstract is permitted per student, but students are welcome to submit additional abstracts to non-competition sections. Additional abstracts authored by the same student in the same program section must be presented in the general (non-competition) oral or poster sessions. The undergraduate student competition is held as either an oral or poster competition; undergraduate students must select one presentation types (oral or poster). However, authors of undergraduate competition abstracts must select an appropriate program section (e.g., Nutrition, Genetics, etc.) when submitting abstracts to ensure they are reviewed by the appropriate section committee. Competition will not take place for any division with fewer than three abstracts. Additional guidelines for graduate and undergraduate students including the ESS Symposium Student Oral Presentation Competition Rubric and ESS Symposium Undergraduate Student Poster Competition Rubric.
Oral Presentations: The scheduled time for each oral presentation is 12 minutes, followed by 3 minutes of questions, discussion, and speaker transition.
Poster Presentations: Posters must be able to fit in a 4-foot by 4-foot space. Posters can be either created in portrait or landscape format.